Board of Directors
William (Bill) Smith
Partner, Beaird Group
Richard (Rick) Ochenkowski
Principal, DHJJ
Zachary (Zac) Larson
Founding Partner & Wealth Advisor, IntentGen Financial Partners
Edward (Ed) Graham
Atty, Law Offices of Edward P. Graham, Ltd.
Members at Large
Theresa Atkins
Business Improvement Manager, KeHe Distributors
Mary Doyle
Senior Manager, Aspirent
Elizabeth (Elise) Klosterman Brown
CEO & Founder, Focus Consulting & Training, LLC
William (Bill) Gianaras
Retired; VP Business Improvement, KeHe Distributors
Michelle Grotto
Sr Mgr., Corporate Risk Mgmt.,
Discover Financial Services
Griselda Munoz
Director, Compensation & Benefits
Hearthside Food Solutions, LLC
Timothy (Tim) Nitsch
Attorney, KCO Legal, Inc.
Waldo (Wally) Pacheco
Principal, Engage Creative
Pamela Palmer
Congregational Care Executive Pastor, Good Shepherd Church, Naperville
Kelly Ryan
System Director, Behavioral Health, Endeavor Health
Michael Bradburn, LCSW, PCC
CEO & President, SamaraCare