By Scott Mitchell, President and CEO A Series on Upgrading Your Mental Health! Our expert therapists and leadership have shared some of their most effective tips on how to upgrade...
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Just about everyone experiences anxiety at some point or another. In fact, most of us experience it many times, during our life. While anxiety is a natural response to stressors,...
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“We are not human beings having a spiritual experience, rather we are spiritual beings having a human experience.” – Teilhard de Chardin When we hold this belief that we are...
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Stress is a universal human experience. It affects people from all walks of life, regardless of age, gender, or background. Many people seek therapy at SamaraCare with the hope of...
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Dr. Scott Mitchell speaks to the current COVID-19 crisis and how to keep your stress levels and mental health managed during this difficult time. Individual mental health will help keep...
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by Ken Potts I'm going to let you in on a professional secret. There is an effective, efficient, and inexpensive treatment for mild depression or anxiety. Feeling down in the...
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" Hope cannot be delivered by a medical prescription. Yet we know it is essential for mental health. Hope allows us to live today, here, now, even as it orients us...
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Resilience or the ability to adapt well to adversity, trauma, tragedy, threats or even significant sources of stress, can help children manage tension and feelings of anxiety and uncertainty. As...
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October is National Depression Awareness Month. One of the more common misconceptions about depression is that depressed people are simply very, very sad. Consequently, people suffering from depression are often...
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Everyone regularly experiences anxiety, from minor concerns such as getting the grocery shopping done on time to major stress such as the health or safety of a loved one. It...
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