by Reverend Dr. Ken Potts Healing takes time. And often healing emotional and spiritual wounds takes more time than healing those which involve other parts of who we are. I...
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SamaraCare helps people achieve their greatest potential by being compassionate and spirit-led counselors, consultants and advocates. We know mental health is a difficult subject for some, but it doesn’t have...
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Our staff was asked to share words of wisdom with a confirmation class. Here is what they had to say! Be nice Be humble Be determined Dedication and persistence pays...
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By Ken Potts, D. Min, MS, LCPC, LMFT This really happened - I've got pictures. During a trip to the Children's Zoo, my then three year old decided to...
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Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) is frequently talked about in the context of returned military veterans, but wartime trauma is not the only trauma that can develop into PTSD symptoms. Single,...
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By Dr. Ken Potts We've all read about how girls in our culture are affected by the current obsession with the tall, slender, well-endowed female body type as the ideal...
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by Dr. Ken Potts In my work with couples, there sometimes comes a moment in the midst of a heated argument when one or both spouses breaks out laughing. The...
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By Nancy Kratz, Ph.D. The Christmas countdown has begun! As you face the hundreds of options for electronic devices, and digital media for your children this season, check out these...
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5 POWERFUL CONSIDERATIONS ABOUT CAREGIVING by Monica Guilhot-Chartrand, MSW, LCSW 1) WHO ARE THE CAREGIVERS? Usually it refers to family of origin, extended family, domestic partners, friends, or other individuals who...
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Writer and civil rights leader, James Baldwin, said, "Children have never been very good at listening to their elders, but they have never failed to imitate them.” This is the...
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