We are continuously trying to improve upon ourselves and technology provides us with the resources that allow us to better ourselves with the click of a button. Want to learn how... read more →
by Dr. Ken Potts In my work with couples, there sometimes comes a moment in the midst of a heated argument when one or both spouses breaks out laughing. The... read more →
January, February, March, and even April see higher incidences of depression and related emotional problems and it’s not all that hard to figure out why. Emotional peaks are often followed... read more →
The holiday season can be a time of joy and celebration, but it can also be a time when many of us succumb to the stress of expecting the “perfect”... read more →
By Nancy Kratz, Ph.D. The Christmas countdown has begun! As you face the hundreds of options for electronic devices, and digital media for your children this season, check out these... read more →
5 POWERFUL CONSIDERATIONS ABOUT CAREGIVING by Monica Guilhot-Chartrand, MSW, LCSW 1) WHO ARE THE CAREGIVERS? Usually it refers to family of origin, extended family, domestic partners, friends, or other individuals who... read more →
Writer and civil rights leader, James Baldwin, said, "Children have never been very good at listening to their elders, but they have never failed to imitate them.” This is the... read more →
Social Drama: The New Face of Bullying? By Nancy Kratz, Ph.D. Surveys indicate that most teens do not report being “bullied” to their parents, but most parents are aware of... read more →
By Tracy Takeda, MA, LCPC As a counselor who works with teens, I have worked with students who have dealt with suicidal ideation. Many parents are unsure if their teenager... read more →
By Ken Potts - originally appeared February 25, 2015 in the Daily Herald Not too long ago, adolescent suicide was prominent in the media again and numerous newspapers and magazines... read more →